Picky Eating or Feeding Disorder or ARFID?
Changes in food preferences can be really frustrating for both caregivers and children. There can be times when children start to really narrow their food acceptance, including cutting out entire food groups, and it can be nerve racking. You may be asking:
1. How do I know if they are receiving all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive?
2. How do I know if they are maintaining proper growth?
At Sprout Pediatric Nutrition, we can complete a detailed evaluation of your child’s nutrition intake and growth, and provide recommendations to ensure they are receiving adequate nutrient intake to grow, thrive, and maintain a healthy relationship with food. If you have concerns about your child’s nutrition intake, always discuss with your pediatrician. Multidisciplinary treatment is often the best approach when addressing feeding and eating concerns; we are happy to collaborate with any other healthcare professionals who may be taking part in your child’s care.
Feeding Matters is a wonderful resource for more information on Pediatric Feeding Disorders and Avoidant Restrictive Intake Disorder: https://www.feedingmatters.org/pfd_and_arfid/